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Image Vogue Night 7

Vogue Night 7

Autonomni kulturni centar - Attack
Pierottijeva ulica 11, Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Kupi ulaznice

*** for ENGLISH please scroll down ***

Vogue Night 7

AKC Attack, Medika, subota 23.11.

After party u Attacku do 5 ujutro!


• ulaz za natjecatelje/ice: 20:00

• ulaz za publiku: 20:30

• početak: 21:00

• završetak natjecanja: 00:30

• party 00:30-05:00


Sudac: Diesel 007 (N)

MC: Ezra 007 (I/A)

DJ: Rodrigo (HR)


Ples vogue i ballroom kultura nastali su u afroameričkoj i latinoameričkoj LGBTIQ+ zajednici u New Yorku. Vogue ballovi pružaju siguran prostor gdje svatko može biti ono što želi. Nema mjesta nikakvoj diskriminaciji prije, tijekom ili nakon ovog događaja.


DRESS CODE: Odaberi primarnu boju (crvenu, žutu ili plavu) i kombiniraj je s crnom ili bijelom. 



💚 Beginner Runway

💚 Beginner Old Way

💚 Beginner New Way

💚 Beginner Vogue Femme

💚 FQ Realness

💚 BQ Realness

💚 Transman Realness

💚 Butch Realness

💚 Face OTA

💚 Body OTA

💚 Sex Siren OTA

💚 European Runway

💚 All American Runway

💚 Old Way vs New Way OTA

💚 Vogue Femme OTA

💚 Pick Your Poison

💚 Lip Sync

💚 Fag Out 

Po prvi put u Zagrebu kategorije Butch Realness i Fag Out!

Ako walkaš neke kategorije, molimo REGISTRIRAJ SE:


Detaljnije za Lip Sync:

U ovoj kategoriji možeš zaraditi 10s pjesmom po vlastitom izboru. Prvih 6 prijavljenih ulaze u natjecanje! Svoju prijavu i verziju pjesme koju ćeš izvesti možeš poslati na mail boris.vogue@gmail.com najkasnije do 18.11.

U battleovima će se nasumično pustiti sljedeće pjesme:

Lady Gaga - Bad Romance

Etta James - At Last

RuPaul - Supermodel

Chappell Roan - Good Luck, Babe!


Afterparty 00:30 - 05:00h


Vogue Night - cijena:

Registrirani/e natjecatelji/ce: 7 eura

Gledatelji/ce: 12 eura

Samo after party: 6 eura (na ulazu nakon ponoći)

▬▬▬ ENGLISH ▬▬▬

Vogue Night 7

Saturday, the 23rd of November 2024

AKC Attack, Medika, Zagreb

Voguing and ballroom culture have rooted from African-American and Latin American LGBTIQ+ community in New York. Ballroom is a safe space where everyone can be whoever they want to be. There is no place for any kind of discrimination before, during, or after this event.


• door open for competitors: 20:00h

• door open for the audience: 20:30h

• start of the competition: 21:00h

• end of the competition: 00:30h

• party 00:30-05:00

Judge: Diesel 007 (N)

MC: Ezra 007 (I/A)

DJ: Rodrigo (HR)

DRESS CODE: Choose a primary color (red, yellow or blue) and combine it with black or white.


💚 Beginner Runway

💚 Beginner Old Way

💚 Beginner New Way

💚 Beginner Vogue Femme

💚 FQ Realness

💚 BQ Realness

💚 Transman Realness

💚 Butch Realness

💚 Face OTA

💚 Body OTA

💚 Sex Siren OTA

💚 European Runway

💚 All American Runway

💚 Old Way vs New Way OTA

💚 Vogue Femme OTA

💚 Pick Your Poison

💚 Lip Sync

💚 Fag Out

If you are walking any categories, please REGISTER:


More details about Lip Sync:

In this category you can earn your 10s with a song of your choice. Only the first 6 applicants enter the competition! You can send your application and the version of the song you will perform to boris.vogue@gmail.com by November 18.

These songs will be played randomly in battles:

Lady Gaga - Bad Romance

Etta James - At Last

RuPaul - Supermodel

Chappell Roan - Good Luck, Babe!


Afterparty 00:30 - 05:00h



Registered participants: 7 euros

Audience: 12 euros

After party only: 6 euros (at the entrance after 0:30h)


Ballroom terminology:

OPEN TO ALL (OTA): When a category does not designate gender.

FEMME QUEEN (FQ): A transgender woman. Categories with this description are for trans women only.

BUTCH QUEEN (BQ): A gay man. Performance categories with this description are usually for cisgender gay men only.

FEMALE FIGURE (FF): Trans women, cisgender women, and drag queens.

MALE FIGURE (MF): Butch queens, butch women, and transgender men.







Ballroom is a safe place for queer people and for people of color.

Thank you for contacting us. You will receive a reply in a timely matter.